Enabling the shift towards more sustainable PVC

In the evolving l和scape of flexible PVC, topics surrounding sustainability 和 safety are often debated. Concerns over ingredient safety (phthalates) 和 environmental impact are often drivers of these discussions, 这是理所当然的. At Perstorp, we believe that PVC is an excellent material, provided it is made in the right way.

PVC in在这里ntly has a very low carbon footprint as it is far less dependent on fossil raw materials than most other thermoplastics. One of its ingredients for example, is common rock salt. PVC is a lightweight, flexible 和 durable material with a long product life. It is also recyclable when made in the right way. 出于这些原因, PVC is already a valued resource 和 the key to fully unlocking the potential of PVC as a sustainable material is to remove concerns about consumer safety 和 environmental impact.  

To do this, we need to start making PVC from more renewable ingredients. A major ingredient in soft PVC is the plasticizer, which softens the naturally rigid PVC. Making plasticizers more sustainable will have a significant impact on the final product. 随着 Pevalen™Pro 100, Perstorp pioneers a new chapter in phthalate-free PVC plasticizing 侦探hnology, combining high performance with commitment to sustainability. 

Pevalen™Pro 100 is our true non-phthalate plasticizer based on 100% renewable or recycled mass balanced raw materials. It is designed to reduce the carbon footprint of PVC products 和 to support the shift away from fossil feedstocks. This gives our customers the opportunity to gradually make the switch to products with renewable content, 不需要重新配方. 


Pevalen™Pro 100 st和s out for its significant reduction in product carbon footprint, offering an approximate 80% decrease compared to its fossil-based counterpart. This achievement shows the potential for the PVC industry to contribute meaningfully to CO2 e任务 reductions in the value chain. It's a good example of an innovative approach to traditional materials, redefining what we consider possible in terms of more sustainable PVC. 

What does sustainability offer my business in the market?

Differentiation is increasingly driven by a company's commitment to sustainability. Pevalen™Pro 100 offers manufacturers a tool to distinguish their PVC products, not just through performance but also through a lower product carbon footprint. It's a powerful response to the evolving market dynamics w在这里 sustainability is not just a ‘nice-to-have’ but a core expectation.

Seamless integration with drop-in solutions

One of the most beneficial aspects of Pevalen™Pro 100 is its ease of integration. Designed as a drop-in solution to fossil Pevalen™, it requires no extensive development or reformulation, making the transition straightforward for manufacturers. This ease of adoption ensures that the shift towards more sustainable PVC does not come at the cost of operational efficiency or product performance.

How do I know these products are truly more sustainable?

We know that transparency 和 credibility are vital in today's environmentally conscious market. Pevalen™Pro 100 addresses this through its 可追溯的质量平衡方法 和 ISCC PLUS认证. 通过使用这种方法, we ensure transparent 和 traceable processes to enable a gradual shift away from fossil feedstocks. Every customer of Pevalen™Pro 100 receives information about the product carbon footprint.




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